The intelligent transport system (ITS) including surveillance cameras is promoting efficiency in the management and operation of many highways in Vietnam. However, this system will face difficulties in extreme conditions, and need to be overcome soon by integrating the radar solution into the ITS system.
By 2030, there will be no transactions using cash in transportation activities (December 15, 2020)
The Ministry of Transport has issued a digital transformation program, in which the target to 2030 eliminate transactions using cash in transportation activities. The Ministry of Transport has just approved the “Digital Transformation Program of the Ministry of Transport to 2025, with an orientation to 2030”. The program will be implemented in 2 periods to 2025 and up to 2030

Three major issues arise for the implementation of Decree 10 (October 25, 2020)
Although the Government’s Decree No. 10/2020 / ND-CP was issued in accordance with the new provisions of the law, meeting practical requirements, promoting the achieved results while overcoming the limitations. Regulations and shortcomings of Decree 86, however, there still exist a number of related issues that need to be clarified.
Accessories if fitted in a car will be denied for registration (October 10, 2020)
The registry will “invite” you out, and even be fined heavily by the Traffic Police if you install some of the following accessories. Toys and car accessories are increasingly being added on cars by more and more drivers for different purposes. However, not all accessories are accepted when taking the vehicle for inspection.

Ministry of Transport hot directive on passenger transportation management (September 30, 2020)
The Ministry of Transport has just issued a Directive on strengthening the management of passenger transportation under the contract specified in Decree 10, Circular 12.
Do not delay the deadline for installing the camera on the transport vehicle (September 13, 2020)
The Ministry of Transport requires to comply with the roadmap for installing surveillance cameras on transport vehicles in Decree 10/2020

Document No. 956 of THE GENERAL DEPARTMENT OF ROAD OF VIETNAM, issued on February 20, 2020
Adsun would like to send to our customers and partners the information: “Regarding the enhancement of monitoring, rectification and handling of violations through data from the cruise monitoring device“.
Why are there annoying cries on cruise control and how to handle them?
Many drivers feel uncomfortable or frustrated when driving a normal vehicle and the cruise monitoring device emits a continuous sound for unknown reasons, and also does not know how to stop that cry.
Adsun we would like to explain the causes of possible crises and how to handle them.

News On Cruise Monitoring Devices
Hanoi: Strictly handle violating drivers through cruise monitoring equipment – Ninh Binh: Reorganize and handle violations in transport activities through cruise monitoring equipment – Dong Nai: Strengthen operational inspection moving vehicles through the cruise monitoring equipment…
What is production management – Effective production management method.
Effective production management helps businesses take the initiative in their production and business activities, minimize risks and minimize unnecessary expenses. The overview of information provides knowledge around production management activities such as: