By 2030, there will be no transactions using cash in transportation activities (December 15, 2020)
The Ministry of Transport has issued a digital transformation program, in which the target to 2030 eliminate transactions using cash in transportation activities.
The Ministry of Transport has just approved the “Digital Transformation Program of the Ministry of Transport to 2025, with an orientation to 2030”. The program will be implemented in 2 periods to 2025 and up to 2030
Accordingly, by 2025, with the aim of developing digital government, will form the data infrastructure of the transport sector, including shared platform database that is connected, integrating data from specialized professional system to provide information serving transportation management and administration to reach decision-makers fully, promptly and accurately.
Accordingly, by 2025, with the aim of developing digital government, will form the data infrastructure of the transport sector, including shared platform database that is connected, integrating data from specialized professional system to provide information serving transportation management and administration to reach decision-makers fully, promptly and accurately.
Provide full open data of the transport sector for annual statistics and types of information must be disclosed in accordance with the law.

The Ministry of Transport promulgates a digital transformation program, in which the goal to 2030 eliminate cash transactions in transportation activities.
100% of administrative procedures that are handled under the authority of the Ministry of Transport are managed and processed on the Public Service Portal and the electronic one-door system. All popular public services that concern a wide range of people and businesses are online at 3 and 4 levels and integrated into the National Public Service Portal; At least 50% of the number of dossier sets made at the Ministry of Transport shall be submitted online at levels 3 and 4.
Automate tasks related to registration management, inspection and monitoring of businesses, vehicles and vehicle drivers involved in transport business through equipment systems and software IT applications…
Completing the management process, strictly controlling the training, testing and licensing for the vehicle drivers; avoid corruption that affects traffic order and safety …
With the goal of digital economic development up to 2025, 100% of the equivalent highways will install the intelligent traffic management and administration system (ITS); to form smart urban centers integrating traffic management and administration in centrally-run cities and localities in need.
The non-stop electronic toll collection (ETC) system has been deployed synchronously at all tollbooths nationwide, progressing to abolish all cash tolls.
Create digital platforms to connect multimodal transport services, build logistics supply chains owned by Vietnamese businesses …
In the period up to 2030, with the aim of developing digital government, completing the data infrastructure of the transport sector with regularly updated, complete and accurate data sources; create a spatial database on transport infrastructure with sufficient legality to exploit and use in the management, administration and development activities of the industry.
Citizens and businesses can search and exploit and use most of the non-confidential data of the transport industry on the open data portal …
With the aim of developing the digital economy, the smart transportation system is widely deployed on the national transportation network; with synchronous connection, connecting transport infrastructure in the fields of road, railway, maritime, inland waterways and aviation.
Completely abolishing transactions using cash in transportation activities; 100% of vehicles use electronic toll collection account for multi-purpose payment for road traffic services …
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