The origin of the Andon system - Toyota's lean production

Production management model
One of Toyota’s lean philosophy is Eye Management. Mieruka
Automation means: If there is an abnormality, the chain or machine must be stopped. The key to this thinking is the clear distinction between what is normal and what is abnormal. If talking about quality, it is revealing bad products. If talking about quantity, it is how to see with the naked eye that the production is catching up or not meeting the plan. This is the right way of thinking for all aspects, from how to place objects, how much work to do, how to rotate Kamban, how to perform the work of the workers. For the production site in accordance with Toyota production method, the visual management is carried out thoroughly
※ This concept is now known as Mieruka (視える化)
ANDON concept
ANDON is a typical example of Mieruka. This is a line-stop sign hung on a production site. When the line (line = production line) is in a normal state of operation, the light on the board is green. Suppose there is a case where a worker wants to receive help from outside the line to adjust the work progress (due to a delay), now the AnDon board is orange. When it is necessary to stop the line to correct errors, the AnDon panel will be red. To thoroughly eliminate abnormal errors, line stopping is necessary, so there is nothing to be afraid of.

Andon new generation system IOT application and Mobile app
The new Andon system is moved from static andon boards to real-time alerts on digital signage.

The Andon system is a combination of:
- Large production area screen
- Using current operating HMI and production area terminal
- Warning technology using email and SMS
- Improve communication between operators and engineers
- Format multimedia responses to display maximum warnings
- Better chance of continuous improvement
- Improving OEE and quality

Warning feedback immediately:
- Activated by operator
- Emails will be sent to the appropriate people based on the type of alarm – safety, quality, maintenance – and location of the alarm.
- Automatic call to the operator.

Andon System application in Lean Manufacturing:
What are the benefits?
Using the andon system in lean production will bring many benefits both in the short and long term. In short, it provides:
- Visibility and transparency in the manufacturing process
- Increase productivity and efficiency
- Reduce waste products.

Long-term benefits include:
- Reduce costs and downtime
- Enhance value for customers because of better quality products
- The operator is responsible for running the flow as efficiently and efficiently as possible – empowering them to take action when something goes wrong, rather than waiting for management, etc.
- Long-term improvement for the production process
Like most of the principles in lean production, the andon wire itself does not add value. Similarly, if the action is not taken immediately when the system is alerted, it will defeat the purpose and may actually reduce the value you are aiming for.
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